The Dr Bernstein diet is a heavily monitored diet. You are required to check into a clinic frequently and also to receive shots as well.
This diet has been successful for people. You start with a consultation with a doctor and then you start the program. The diet runs about 8 weeks. During this time, you are placed on a severely calorie reduced food plan.
The biggest drawback to the diet is the expense. It will cost you over a $1,000. The first consultation alone is over $300. Another drawback is the shots. The shots are meant to speed up your metabolism. But the medical science is unclear about the long terms effects. Also, there is no concern with the diet about exercise. While losing weight is approximately 80% diet, exercise is still very important. The Dr Bernstein diet over looks this in your plan. Reduced caloric intake also can be problematic for the well functioning of the body.
The Dr Bernstein diet has been successful for people, but there are a few problems with it. The price alone puts it beyond many people's reach and some of the science behind the diet is questionable as well.
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@Dr Bernstein Diet
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