Weekend Cleanse Diet - A Quick and Easy Approach

Weekend Cleanse Diet
Weekend Cleanse Diet

If you're looking for a fast and easy way to cleanse, you might consider the weekend cleanse diet as an effective way to do it.

The Easiest Way

For most people this is probably the best option to pursue. Starting on Friday night you want to eliminate all of the following:
  • junk foods
  • fried foods
  • dairy products
  • meat
  • wheat products
  • eggs
  • potatoes
  • bananas
Until Sunday night eat only the following kind of food:
  • Fresh fruit with the exception of bananas
  • aw veggies
  • Home made veggie soups
  • Freshly made fruit and veggie juices
  • Unsweetened yoghurt
  • Herbal teas
In addition you should drink plenty of fresh pure water. Great additions are to take a trip to the sauna to help sweat out some toxins and/or to receive a massage.

The More Intense Way

Another possibility is to completely fast on fresh juices or mono eat watermelon for the entire weekend. This approach is something that beginners should not try. You really need to build up to it.
It involves drinking only fresh water and juices for the entire weekend from Friday night to Sunday night. This give your body a complete 48 hour rest from digesting food. As an alternative to consuming only juices you could eat watermelon or grapes (high water content fruits) as well.
If you take this approach you are likely to feel some detox symptoms such as low energy and headache, but by Monday these should have disappeared.

The Most Intense Approach

The most intense weekend detox is to go for 2 days on the "Master Cleanse." This involves consuming only a drink made from lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and water for the duration of the weekend. It can be very effective for losing weight, but, again, you really need to build up to this strategy. Don't try it first if you've never cleansed before.

Coming Off The Cleanse

Whichever approach you choose, you need to be careful to come off the cleanse wisely. Don't go back to eating junk foods. Instead try to continue with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Limit meats and dairy products and in general listen to your body. Don't expect to want the exact same things you've wanted to eat before.

Discover all your options for dietary cleansing. Visit The Cleanse Diet Resource Center at: http://thecleansediet.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_A_Ament

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